Matching Music & Message

Traditional worship that is effective and meaningful will naturally focus itself around a central theme.  In order to effect a thematic approach all of the elements must point in the same direction.  To achieve this goal both the music and message must match.  In this...

Fellowship & Worship – What’s the Difference?

The body of Christ is a family, and in this family we have fellowship with one another as The Church—all faithful believers throughout the world—and the church, our own local congregation.  Fellowship is a crucialpart of the body of Christ.  It’s the fundamental basis...

Worship through the Offertory

Throughout the Bible we are instructed to be faithful stewards of all that God has given to us.  We’re taught to bring our tithes and offerings to God in worship.  The Psalms prescribe this responsibility.  Jesus, in His earthly ministry, took an opportunity to have a...